Therapies with Eszter

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.” (BKS.Iyengar)

Welcome to a journey of holistic well-being with me, Eszter, your dedicated naturopath and holistic health practitioner.

At my practice, I specialize in a diverse range of complementary and alternative therapies, each carefully designed to cater to your unique wellness needs. My services encompass relaxation massage, deep tissue massage, manual lymphatic drainage massage, along with foot and hand reflexology. I also provide  body wrapping, and angel healing therapy, among other specialized treatments.

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving harmony in mind, body, and soul is increasingly essential. Each aspect of our being – mental, physical, and spiritual – demands dedicated care and attention. It’s vital to take a pause from the daily grind, to focus inward and discover the equilibrium you seek.

My mission is to facilitate your journey to this balance. In my treatment room, a haven of tranquility awaits you. Soft music, gentle candlelight, and a comfortable treatment table set the stage for a transformative experience. As you undergo the therapies, you’ll find stress, worries, and physical discomfort dissolving, leaving you in a state of profound well-being.

Join me in embracing the harmony and peace that your mind, body, and soul deserve.

Take a deep breath. Inhale peace. Exhale happyness